February 28, 2022

{Free} Online Resources to Improve Your Photography

Photography Tips

{Free} Online Resources to Improve Your Photography

Entry No.25

As I dive deeper & deeper into photography, I have the constant thirst to seek out new industry trends, knowledge, skills, & advice from other photographers. The pandemic has greatly shaped the way we learn, almost all virtual. Luckily, one good thing did come out of the pandemic, the excess of online resources, many are free {to some extent} that we can pull from & continue to learn & grow while we're all in this odd limbo period.

I try to learn something new about photography or a related topic daily & have found so much content, inspiration, & knowledge online in the form of videos, vlogs, articles, & other formats. Below, are some of my favorite free online resources I have come to rely on for photography education.


I credit a huge part of my photography knowledge to Youtube & some of the amazing creators on the platform that share their photography tips. I am a Sony camera shooter {gaining interest in Leica cameras, but TBA} so many of the Youtubers I follow also shoot with Sony cameras. However, below I have a list of creators who share a good blend of photography skills videos, gear reviews, creative point-of-views, & overall educational value in the videos they make. 

Online Reading 

When it comes to photography, I really prefer visual learning, but articles & Journals written by other photographers also shed light on gear, photojournalism, new camera reviews, & other photography-related topics. Below is a list of website journals as well as photographer journals that have shaped my photography style as well as providing educational insight. 

Real-World Experience

Possibly, the best way to learn is to pick up your camera every day & photograph. Creativity is a muscle & using it often can greatly improve upon your photo skills as well as sharper personal photography style & the type of thing you like to capture with your lens. Best of all, it's free & doesn't require WIFI.

This post is in collaboration with my blog, The Yellow Spectacles where I post & write lifestyle-centered stories.

Follow on social media @katelynchef x @katelynchefphotography_ 

Free Online Photography Resources

Favorite photography resources

photography inspiration and online resources