Gear Guide: my Film camera{s}
Entry No. 49
With anything in life, I always feel that it is important to try new things. Isay this as I do have to remind myself of this as I a be hesitant to try new experiences. However, venturing outside one's comfort zone can bring new hobbies, passions, as well as memories.
In my daily photography practices, I shoot digitally while at times, editing a little toward the film end of the spectrum. I have always liked film photography, particularly, other film photography. Playing around with some disposable film cameras, I thought it would be fun to invest in an actual film camera, that is easy to use, a point & shoot film camera.
After being taken from a bad Etsy Seller {who sold me a broken camera}, I ended up buying two film cameras that actually work. These 35mm film cameras are a Kodak Easy Load 35 & a Leica Z2X.
While I enjoyed the film process, it is more costly than digital photography & in many cases, for my own work, I prefer using my digital cameras.
However, I will be using these cameras to document any trips, seasonal adventures, or just unique photos that I think would look good on film.
From playing around with different rolls, mostly Fuji Film rolls, I really like some of the black & white film photos I took which leads me to the idea of wanting to pursue black and white film photos with these two cameras.
Going forward, for the film photos I wish to pursue, I will share those on my lifestyle blog, The Yellow Spectacles as well as my IG @Katelynchef since they're more 'candid' representations of my life.
Below, I have a gallery sharing some of my film photos on both of these cameras; Kodak Easy Load & Leica Z2X.
Are you into film photography?
Follow on Twitter @chef_katelyn

Leica Z2X
The top film photos were taken on a Leica Z2X.

Kodak Film Camera
The second set of film photos was taken on a Kodak Easy Load 35 film camera.

Leica Z2X