February 14, 2022

Ways to Embrace the Slower Periods in Your Business

Photography Tips

Ways to Embrace the Slower Periods in Your Business

Entry No. 24

As someone who has been self-employed, essentially since college graduation, I know the feeling of having to prove yourself, the notion of staying busy, staying productive even at the rate for 24/7. Creatives, not to mention, self-employed creatives, have the urge that we have to prove something. Maybe it's prove something to your parents, past college professors, the world, or more so, to ourselves. Therefore, any 'down-time' any 'slow-seasons' may feel like a time of weakness or failure.

I used to feel this way, in a way, still struggle with it. I am always on the go, always on the hunt for my next job, whether that'd be writing, photography, or both. I get it. However, I have come to notice that my line of work has seasons, some are busier than others. Other parts of the year are slow. I come to realize, that's okay. As a freelancer, creative, & my own boss, I am growing to appreciate {not spaz out} the slower seasons and you should too!

So, how can you take full advantage of the slower parts of your work life? Seek inspiration from the below, all little things I am learning to take full advantage of. Of course when I have the time.

(1) Work on a Self Project

Whenever my writing outlets slow down a bit, I like to direct my attention to photography. Here is where the opportunity can arise to work on a self-starting project, edit photos, or just re-explore why I enjoy photography.

(2) Enjoy Nature

Being a Taurus, I like to have time outdoors, daily. Sometimes, parts of the summer, typically toward the end, can be slow. This is the perfect time for me to soak up all the sun & enjoy another favorite pastime, swimming. If your line of work has a slower season, see what outdoor sport/activity you can take up to enjoy the time you have off! I also get a lot of ideas {writing & photography} when swimming laps, so, you never know what may strike your inspiration.

(3) Reevaluate Your Business

Sometimes, a break, a total black-out break is needed. Whenever this turning point comes around, it's good to do a reevaluation of what's working, what isn't. When it's time for you to turn the light back on, implement these changes.

(4) Make Updates to Websites, Social Profiles, ECT.

Slower times of work are great times to redo your website. Fun fact, last January was slow for me, I completely re-did Katelynchef.com, bought my domain, & launched the Journal portion of Katelynchef.com. Once or twice a year, I also go through all my social media profiles & update all my bios. I also make sure that my online platforms have an updated profile image & I try to make them match across the board or match where it is relevant.

(5) Travel/New Experience

Traveling is a sore subject, I haven't been able to travel for any writing jobs since COVID-19 hit. But road trips or fun day trips are great ways to cease the slow season & turn it into inspiration for your next big project.

Just know, slowing down isn't a sign of weakness nor a sign you failed. It's a sign that you need a little creative recharge & when it's time to get back to work, you'll be unstoppable.

Follow on Instagram @Katelynchefphotography_

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ways to embrace slower seasons in your business
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